27 January 2009

Free Educational Resources

For those of you living in East Central Indiana:

Goodrich Quality Theaters offers free IMAX movie screenings once a month to educators and student education majors. I for one am very excited they open this up to student educators as well. Who knows when I'll graduate. All you have to do is sign up for the educator newsletter on the Goodrich site. Then when there is a screening you will receive an invite for you and one guest to go for free.

The next educator screening is on January 29th and we will be showing Dinosaurs 3D: Giants of Patagonia at 4:30 PM with Lewis & Clark following at 5:45 PM. Each film is about 45 minutes long.

The point is to get you as an educator to think of these movies as educational resources. In addition to the free movie pass, you are eligible to recieve lesson plans to go along with the movies. They really want you to use their movies as an educational tool.

What a great freebie! I can't wait to sign up. If you don't live in this area, you may consider contacting your local IMAX theater to see if they also participate in this type of program.

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