08 July 2009

WFMW: Line drying on a hanger

Maybe it's the country girl in me, but I love drying my clothes outdoors. They just smell so much cleaner. Aside from that, it helps to keep my house cooler and saves me a little money on electricity. And well, it just seems natural to me.

That said, sometimes it can take forever. I don't have much of a clothesline, so space is at a premium. I really like to put more than one load on at a time. By putting my wet clothes on a hanger before I put them on the line, I save space.

It also makes putting the laundry away much easier. Which is a good thing because my ottoman can really pile up quick with clean clothes.

To make this work at our home, I keep empty hangers in the laundry room. We don't have a fancy rod or anything for the hangers. I hang mine on pipe. Fancy I know. A bin on the dryer would work just as well. Generally, I just use closepins as markers to keep the clothes from sliding into each other.

On windy days, I clip them like this to keep them from blowing away.


For more Works for Me, visit We Are That Family.


Michelle said...

good idea...i think i'll try that next time.

Mama Melissa said...

what a FANTASTIC idea!!! really, i'm going to do this! :) not sure why i hadn't thought of it before!


Pickles In My Shoe said...

What a great idea! Also helps with how sometimes your clothes dry funny when you clothespin them.

Dena @PJ'sAllDay said...

THAT is a smart idea! I always hated those marks you get from the clothespins and this would get rid of that.