14 September 2008

Homemade Grape Jelly

I enjoy the idea of canning. It has always seemed like such a good idea, but I've never attempted to can anything more than salsa or spagetti sauce made using abundance from my mother's garden.

Personally, I don't have a garden yet, so I hadn't given the idea of canning anything this year much thought. This morning I came accross OwlHaven's post on how to make grape jelly. You don't need an abundance of grapes -- the recipe calls for grape juice, and you can use the store bought stuff! I can't wait to try this! See the full recipe here

I left her a message asking if the recipe will work with only grape juice or if you may use other varieties of juice. I'll leave the answer in the comments section when I find out.

This makes a great frugal gift idea as well!

1 comment:

Beulah said...

I found out you are able to use other kinds of juice in your jelly making. You just need to be sure to use 100% juice! I'm planning on trying some varieties of Old Orchard! I'll let you all know how they turn out! Enjoy!