23 April 2009

Writer's Workshop: You did WHAT in the bathroom?

The Prompts: (Mama Kat)

1.) Book review!
I LOVE books!I usually read about two a week. Maybe I should start reviewing them . . . I really enjoy the inspirational romance novels from Steeple Hill.

2.) When is it okay not to listen to the words? Explain about a song you really love that has lame lyrics or lyrics you simply don't understand.
Hmmm . . . generally I prefer not to understand the words if I can't make out them or the meaning. I'm usually traumatized once I find out. Why do people write about things like that? Why are people okay with hearing it on the radio?

3.) Why won't you forget? List six true sentences that begin with the words 'I'll never forget...' Then use all six of your sentences in a paragraph, poem, or longer descriptive piece.
I'll never forget finding out I was pregnant at 18.

I'll never forget getting proposed to in a driveway.
I'll never forget the way things have made me feel.
I'll never forget taking a pregnancy test in a bathroom at the mall. (We had to know! =) )
I'll never forget my grandma's words of encouragement.
I'll never forget this thank you.

4.) Write about an interaction you had with a salesman.
I was the sales lady for years and years. I do avoid magazine salesmen. I'll not be duped again. The last time I refused to talk to one the guy got pretty mad -- he was also on work release. Go figure.

5.) What's for dinner? I'm starving.
I'm making Beef & Mushrooms over noodles. I guess it's kind of like a homemade hamburger helper, but much, much yummier! And something green. Maybe brussel sprouts?


I'm gonna cheat and go with the preggo test story. Besides, I know someone will wonder. Right?

My oldest son was concieved on birth control. I went back on it after he was born, but I had to change methods more than once. My body just can't handle the birht control. Pills/patch gave me horrible migraines on the off-week. I-can't-get-out-of-bed migraines. I'm able to control them with diet without the hormones. The shot was just a nasty mess.

Once my husband and I got married, I went off of birth control all together. It didn't take long for us to get lazy. Five months later, I was convinced I was pregnant. My silly husband didn't believe me. As if I hadn't been down the preggo road before =)

In between his step-sister's wedding and reception, we went to the mall to pick up her gift and a card. We just happened to pick a pregnancy test up too. I promptly took in the MCL bathroom. Sorry MCL, but I had to know. I couldn't have the test burning a hole in my pocket.

and I was right. Women just know these things.


Michelle said...

And what a cutie!

Yes, I think I know...and I'm usually wrong...BUT when I really was pregnant it was a little different and I thought I knew.

Amy McMean said...

Stopping by from Mama Kat's

great post and what an a adorable child. I love big smile.

Jolene said...

Here from MamaKat's too. Both times that I was pregnant, I just knew too!

Crista said...

I took my pregnancy test in the bathroom at work. I bought it on my lunch break and couldn't wait until I got home.